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About Terhorst Manufacturing

Terhorst Manufacturing was established on this site in 1926 by three Terhorst brothers who migrated from Wisconsin with their physician father. Their purpose was to set up a machine shop to build wind-generated power plants they had designed. Two of the Terhorst brothers, Willis and Harvey, were mechanical and electrical engineers respectively. The success of this specific venture lasted only until rural electrification started moving West following World War II and the need for windmills rapidly diminished.

In the early 1960's, the plastics industry was beginning to make inroads across the nation and the majority of the tool and die work was not enough to keep business viable. Thus began the injection molding process at Terhorst Manufacturing and the rest, as the saying goes, is history.

Terhorst Manufacturing encourages school and business tours as well as visits by the public. We consider ourselves one of the best-kept secrets in the area. Our customer comments indicate the technological and production availability is unmatched in a regional area from Minneapolis to Billings and beyond.

Brad Weber, President, General Manager

Jim Fraley, Vice President, Tooling Supervisor

Ron Martin, Secretary, Treasurer, Molding Supervisor

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