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Insert Molding

Insert Molding
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Insert Molding

At Terhorst Manufacturing, we have the ability to mold in place a variety of inserts, copper studs, magnets, screws, and other items to help eliminate secondary operations. Some of the typical products we’ve manufactured include agitators, tank adapters, street elbows, roller ends, indento-lock bearings, tank fittings, nylon idler sprockets, nylon self aligning bearings, and oil line clamps. Our products have been used in a wide range of industries including Agriculture, Automotive, Lawn/gardening, Military, Construction, Aerospace, Industrial, Electronics, Food Service, and Transportation.

We are able to offer the fastest turnaround time possible. Our quality control starts the minute the orders are received and continues throughout the molding and secondary operation process to the point of assembly and shipping. We have a 24 hour staff on hand, assuring that the parts are produced to customer specifications. We use mechanical and optical equipment to achieve the highest standards of production. Upon completion of our quality control, all orders are shipped to guarantee the shortest turnaround time possible.

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Molding Machine1993 Arburg, 21 Ton, 2 OZ
1993 Battenfeld, 25 Ton, 2 OZ
1990 Arburg, 28 Ton, 2 OZ
2002 HPM, 125 Ton, 8 OZ
1980 Reed, 150 Ton, 4 OZ
1985 Niigata, 165 Ton, 12 OZ
2002 HPM, 185 Ton, 8 OZ
2002 HPM, 185 Ton, 12 OZ
1990 HPM, 200 Ton, 16 OZ
2002 HPM, 255 Ton, 16 OZ
1970 Natco, 350 Ton, 32 OZ
1993 Netstal, 350 Ton, 24 OZ
1995 JSW, 385 Ton, 12 OZ
1996 HPM, 400 Ton, 48 OZ
1998 HPM, 400 Ton, 48 OZ
1993 HPM, 550 Ton, 80 OZ
1993 HPM, 550 Ton, 80 OZ
1985 HPM, 700 Ton, 64 OZ
1991 Mitsubishi, 720 Ton, 96 OZ
1996 HPM, 900 Ton, 220 OZ
1996 Toshiba, 950 Ton, 176 OZ
Stainless Steel
Cast Iron
Plastic (Acetal, Delrin, Nylon, Glass-filled Nylon, Polycarbonate, Lexan, Acrylic, PVC, Teflon)
Average Lbs. of Resin Used Per Day5,000 - 8,000
Clamping Force Range21 Ton to 950 Ton
Applied SoftwareAutoCad
Typical ProductsAgitators
Tank Adapters
Street Elbows
Roller Ends
Indento-Lock Bearings
Tank Fittings
Nylon Idler Sprockets
Nylon Self Aligning Bearings
Oil Line Clamps
Industries ServedNovelty
Food Service
Quality Control/InspectionTerhorst is a Case IH supplier and Ford New Holland qualified supplier. Our quality control starts the minute orders are received and continues throughout the molding and secondary operation process to the point of assembly and shipping. We have a 24 hour staff on hand, assuring that the parts are produced to customer specifications. We use mechanical and optical equipment to achieve the highest standards of production.
Case Corporation
Ford New Holland
Lucas Aerospace
Nott Company
Morris Industries
Flexi-Coil, Ltd.
Bush Hog
Sioux Tools
Lite Form International
Fold Form
New Holland
Ag Belting, Inc.
Brandt Industries
Heartland Products
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